Context important in ALL Bible Study!


Question: How are we to reconcile 1Corinthians 15:24-28, which says Christ will return His Kingdom to the Father at the end of Millennium; with Daniel 7:14 and Hebrews 1:8 which says the throne of Christ is forever?


With respect to you, I think you are mixing ‘contexts’, which is very easily done!

To me, IMO, the basis of all understanding of both Old and New Testaments is the fact of the ‘Order’ of Almighty God’s “Kingdom”; i.e. “Father Son and Holy Spirit”.

When studying the Bible, it is very easy to slip into “ordinary” logic; which in many cases leads to error mixture!

Taking your cases:

1Cor.15:28; You will remember that in the parable of the Vineyard owner, the owner sends his son to sort out the problems with the workers; who kill the son!  The point is; the process!  The same is the case here in ICor. 15:28; and the answer to your question is in the context from Vs. 20–28; which when completed the son (Son) hands the completed work to the father (Father)!

Dan.7:14; context here is the earthly kingdoms of Nebuchadnezzar's dream, here again is process, which is the result of Christ Jesus’s actions on Earth to bring all the aberrant Empires and peoples under the righteous control of Almighty God, instead of Satan, who is the power on Earth, attempting to destroy all acknowledgement of God, and faith in Him!  It states clearly in V.14 that “to Him was given etc.”; which is partially the “Millennial Kingdom”; but is surpassed by “those who are His Body” which is made up of all people of faith since Adam and Eve; and is eternal, which again shows “process”, by the Son, which is completed in continuation after “All things made new”, Rev. 21–22!

Heb.1:8; “But to the Son He says”: “Your Throne O God, is forever and ever”: part of the answer is in V.9 and also from 1–7; which shows in V.5 the special nature of the Son!  Jesus said “I and My Father are One” (Jhn. 10:30, 1:1) “no one comes to the Father but by Me” (Jhn.14:6–11); so here is the beginning of understanding for all people, when they acknowledge who Christ Jesus is with their singular minds, which requires acceptance of Him which is Process !

These examples are continuous in the Bible; and the need for prayer before study is important!


See: Satan's Origins;   (Study)


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